Monday, November 30, 2009

Cookie Monster dominating Candy Land...

Today in history class, my famish friend, Mimi was complaining about her zit on her face. It was somewhere around her chin, which really does remind me of another girl. Her face looks like a chocolate chip cookie (if you are reading this Mimi, you know who she is)... :) Anyways, I was thinking about sweet food and how we can be bought over children. The future generation is in great danger, having a high chance of turning obese. I remember watching the movie Charlie and the chocolate factory, and Willy Wonka's father said "lollipops are cavities on a stick". i do agree with him because we don't want to see our future generation growing the most flugliest teeth (besides fugly teeth, Mimi's manicure are the second most fugliest ).

I think candy is nice and sweet, but it is a seducing, evilicious, and too irresistable. Its fugly, but cute, like an ant eater :)

PS: I still think Mimi's manicure are fugly

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is the difference between nouvelle cuisine, and fast food? You decide.

Its so ironic how there are so many types of food in different cultures. Imagine if you put all the food around the world into a menu, I think it will turn into an encyclopedia instead. There is also a range of food, prepared in different ways. Good examples like: baked, heated, sauté, grilled, etc. As the human develop their knowledge, they develop new forms of food. Like: canned food, fast food, snacks, or "light snack". But really, the two types of snacks are still the same. Believe me, its like Coke Zero and Diet Coke. The only difference is the amount of gas, not the sugar.

But even if you prove me wrong, there are still things out there that has a common recipe, but different commercial names. I decided to discuss with you guys about this because I just had KFC for dinner (and I rarely do that). Then I was wondering to myself "What is the difference between high class food, and fast food?" There are many explanation to this question of mine. For now, I will stick with one solution. They both use "real food", and when I say real food, I meant meat, wheat, dairy products, etc. However, the preparation and presentation are different. We handle delicate, expensive, rare food with care. We also treat it like royalty, and nurture it, until it becomes edible. While fast food, is simply fast. Cut, powdered, fried, serve.

Nouvelle cuisine's presentation looks rather tiny, but artistic, like a canvas painted by a 5 star chef. It sits there like a pile of... oh I don't know... chihuahua's doodey perhaps? While fast food comes in "plastic utensils". OH my, why don't we just make everything out of plastic, and live a happy environmental life. The world can always change, and we can make a difference. SO GET YOUR DERIER UP, and make yourself useful. Remember, you are doing this to sacrifice for the future generation. Oh, and leave a comments about your opinions on nouvelle cuisin vs. fast food.

You might want to check this out. Its a video on Julia Child commenting on fast food's french fries.
“The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger.”
Chris O'Brien

The next generation of foodism now commence.

I tend to start a project, and leave it halfway done. And sometimes, it becomes a problem I can never cope with. So from this day on, I will develop this new blog that will keep me busy when I am bored, and share my passion for food with all those foodies out there...

I mean, we are the next generation (I am only 15), and foodism also becomes a hot issue. People say we can't breathe without air, and we can't live without our heart. But without food, will there really be the next generation coming? You see, some think food are crucial, some think they are "energy supplier", and some don't give a crap about it. My family background revolves around food. Each generation pass down their passion of "nourriture" to the next generation. And it seems I am next in line. My grandma is the best cook, and she has been whirling up recipes of her own and now teaches them to others. She taught me that the inspiration of food does not approach you, you have to go look for it. At first I thought it was stupid, but it really isn't. She is trying to tell me that, pour your heart into whatever you are doing, and add a bit of love to it. Now, love doesn't come in packages does it. It only comes from the brain, and of course, the heart. So I myself will do this through cooking "stuff", and report to you guys everyday. I was a bit unsuccessful with my other blogs, but I hope this one won't. So please, leave a comment when you finish reading one of my post. Maybe a dish, or a recipe perhaps. or a word or two, and avoid adding "swear words", or "painful critics". After all, I am a develop teenager who loves good feedback.

Some say we eat to live. But for us foodies, we live to eat.

"Bon Apetit" -Julia Child-